Teacher Entry for the New Zealand High School Game Jam. Theme is "Journey". 

My initial idea was too ambitious (single player extraction shooter). That is still being developed as part of my Level 3 course, but I needed a simple idea for the game jam.  The general idea will be that you have to find 3 animals in a randomly generated dungeon, and then find the golden door to escape. You will also collect treasure and avoid obstacles. This is just a simple test to see whether it's fun to play. 


A/D to move left and right

Space to Jump

Collect Keys, Open Cages, Avoid Skeletons and Walls.

Collect 3 Animals and find the golden door to exit. Collect potions for a slow down, a shield etc. Collect coins for extra points. 


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you could prob put this on google play store as a mobile game

get better room generation pls



Currently lags after a bit because I forgot to enable the visibility notifiers to delete a room when it is out of camera.